Microcement in Radiant Floor
Microcement Radiant Floor Microcement Application on Radiant Floor MICROCEMENT RADIANT FLOOR – When winter arrives is when you consider changing the heating of your house.
DURATION OF THE MICROCEMENT REFORM – A reform with microcement saves time and many headaches, since for example it is not necessary to request a building permit. The reason is that the structural load does not increase, since its thickness is minimal, of only 3 millimeters. But really, how much time could we save with a reform with microcement?
When assessing the time we need to finish a job with microcement, the first thing is to know where the microcement is going to be applied. It is really important, since the surface must be prepared for this application. If you have a plaster or plasterboard, the solution is different. The plastering is probably very rough, so the ideal is to apply a base of some product for smoothing. At this point it must be considered that it is extremely important to apply the microcement on dry surfaces. Therefore, if we apply a glue, it must be fast drying so as not to delay the application of the microcement.
Once we have the surface ready and dry, we will proceed to apply the Primer ONEROCK bonding bridge. Its drying is fast, so next you must proceed with the first layer of the base, either L or XL. Its drying at 20ºC and 60% relative humidity is usually between 6 and 8 hours. So possibly the second base coat should be done the next day. If there is good ventilation it is possible that the two layers can be done on the same day.
Once the first coat can be sanded, the second base coat will be applied. As in the first one, its drying time is 6 to 8 hours.
Once the base is dry, proceed with the two layers of the finishing microcement, either S or M. The drying time between coat and coat is slightly less than in the case of the base. This can make it easier to do both coats on the same day. At this time the duration is a minimum of two days and a maximum of four.
The next two coats are Varnish ONEROCK, which is a water-based polyurethane varnish. In this case, the drying time between coats will be at least 12 hours. Although it is dry to the touch, it is recommended to wait for it to dry completely.
Therefore, after the entire process, and depending on experience and environmental conditions, the time can vary from four days to 6 days. This is always considering that the full system applies. There could be variants that reduce time, although these options are best consulted with our experts.
Visit our Lunik website for more information and more tips for applying microcement.
Microcement Radiant Floor Microcement Application on Radiant Floor MICROCEMENT RADIANT FLOOR – When winter arrives is when you consider changing the heating of your house.
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